The stomach, or gastric, cancer is a silent malady. Its early signs often masquerade as common digestive issues, making it difficult to diagnose. This article aims to shed light on the initial symptoms of stomach cancer and steps you can take if you suspect something’s amiss.
Understanding the first signals: initial symptoms of gastric cancer
Common early symptoms
The initial onset of stomach cancer might not be so obvious. Many early symptoms are often mistaken for everyday health concerns. These can include difficulties in swallowing, abdominal pain, digestive disturbances like nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite leading to weight loss, unusual fatigue, and a feeling of fullness after a light meal.
Late symptoms
As the disease progresses, more alarming symptoms may surface. These might involve difficulties in swallowing (dysphagia), a palpable abdominal mass, accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), recurrent phlebitis, and blood in the stools.
Even though these signs could indicate stomach cancer, they can also be caused by other medical conditions. It’s vital to remember that experiencing one or more of these does not necessarily mean you have stomach cancer. Now that we’ve considered the possible initial signs of gastric cancer let’s delve into the early stages of this disease.
The early phases decoded: stages 1 and 2 of the disease
Stage 1: beginning phase
In stage 1, the gastric cancer is still relatively small and has only spread into some layers of the stomach lining. It might not cause any specific signs or symptoms at this point and could be diagnosed incidentally during a routine check-up.
Stage 2: progression
By stage 2, the cancer may have spread into deeper layers of the stomach wall or to a few nearby lymph nodes. Symptoms might become more noticeable at this point such as significant fatigue, progressive weight loss, among others.
According to Public Health France, stomach cancer affected more men than women in France in 2018, with a higher incidence among people aged over 65 years. To ensure an early diagnosis and improve the chance of successful treatment, it’s crucial to know how to identify potential signs of stomach cancer.
From warning signals to diagnosis: identifying gastric cancer
The importance of medical consultation
If you notice any suspicious symptoms, it’s recommended that you consult with your doctor so they can evaluate their origin and establish a formal diagnosis. Remember: stomach cancer symptoms are not specific and could be caused by other medical conditions.
The diagnostic process
Your healthcare provider will likely use several tests to diagnose stomach cancer including physical examinations, blood tests and imaging studies. In some cases, they may also perform an endoscopy to visually examine your stomach and take tissue samples (biopsies) for lab testing.
Once we recognize the signs and get diagnosed timely if necessary, what’s next ? Let’s talk about treatments and life expectancy.
Treatments and life expectancy: therapeutic prospects
Treatment options
Your treatment plan will depend on several factors including the type and stage of your stomach cancer. Options might include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy or targeted therapies.
Life expectancy
The survival rates for stomach cancer vary widely depending on the stage at which the disease is diagnosed. Early detection often leads to better outcomes emphasizing the importance of awareness about initial symptoms.
The journey through identifying and treating stomach cancer isn’t straightforward. It starts from understanding the early signs, knowing when to seek medical advice, getting a diagnosis, and finally considering treatment options. Remember, knowledge is key in the fight against this disease. Stay informed, stay healthy.
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